Top 10 World's Billionaires 2017

The following are top ten world's billionaire 2017 - (Forbes List)

#1 Bill Gates - Cofounder, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Real Time Net Worth — as of 11/17/17 - $88.9 B

#2  Warren Buffett - CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

#3 - Jeff Bezos - CEO and Founder,

#4 - Amancio Ortega

#5 - Mark Zuckerberg - Cofounder, Chairman and CEO, Facebook

#6 - Carlos Slim Helu & family - Honorary Chairman, América Móvil

#7 - Larry Ellison - CTO and Founder, Oracle

#8 - Charles Koch - CEO, Koch Industries

#9 - David Koch - Executive Vice President, Koch Industries

#10 - Michael Bloomberg - CEO, Bloomberg

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